Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The Automobile as the Next Smart Device

Advancements in assisted driving software and self-driving vehicles portend a new era for ground transportation. One of the less-talked-about set of capabilities behind this trend is the integration of ...Full Article

OpenStack Reviews Mixed in Latest Survey

As OpenStack users align around its standard APIs for deploying cloud infrastructure, adoption of application container technologies on OpenStack platforms continues to generated the most buzz in the latest ...Full Article

An Urgent Plea from the Manufacturing Sector: Give Us Scalability

Mohamad El-Zein has been on the front lines of advanced scale computing for decades, and like a veteran combat soldier who has seen one too many failed battle plans, ...Full Article

LUG 2016 Wrap-up: Intel’s Lustre Line Gains Traction

Intel’s effort to expand Lustre’s beyond science and the Top500 HPC communities, where it has long been strong, and into enterprise and cloud environments was apparent in announcements made ...Full Article

Keeping up with the Data Center: Will Innovation Continue?

The enterprise and data center markets are going through what some experts call a “once in a decade transition.” Driven by the insatiable demand for ever-increasing bandwidth, these industries ...Full Article

In OpenPOWER Play, IBM and Google Make Hyperscale Waves at Foundation Summit

OpenPOWER Foundation, the mostly IBM-driven effort to create an alternative architecture to Intel x86, took a major step forward today with the announcement of a joint effort by Google ...Full Article

NVIDIA Unleashes Monster Pascal GPU Card at GTC16

NVIDIA revealed its first Pascal-architecture based GPU card, the P100, at the seventh-annual GPU Technology Conference (GTC) in San Jose.Calling it “the most advanced accelerator ever built,” the P100 is ...Full Article

HPE’s ‘Memory-Driven Computing’ Vision Emerges in New Server Options

HPE launched new ProLiant9 server options this week that include built-in support for persistent memory, a new HPE product category that the company regards as the inception point for ...Full Article

With Launch of Xeon ‘Broadwell’ Intel’s Advanced Scale Framework Coming into Focus

Intel has talked publicly for more than a year about its next-gen Scalable System Framework (SSF), an integrated compilation of processor, fabric, storage and memory technologies Intel says will ...Full Article

EnterpriseHPC Summit: The How and Why HPC is Burgeoning in the Commercial Sphere

The annual EnterpriseHPC Summit, produced by EnterpriseTech and HPCwire and held in San Diego this week, featured presentations and participation from some of the major thought leaders at the ...Full Article
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