Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Saturday, March 15, 2025

Detecting ‘Multi-Stage’ Cloud Cyber-Attacks from the Start

From small, hardly noticeable beginnings the biggest cloud cyber-attacks grow. Called multi-stage intrusion attacks, it’s how hackers create a virtual machine in a public cloud to penetrate the on-prem ...Full Article

Lifting the Fog of Spark Adoption

If you’re stymied by the prospect of deploying Spark for the first time, Craig Lukasic, senior solution architect at Zaloni, offers tips and insights for overcoming some of the ...Full Article

Microsoft Eyes Hybrid Cloud Shift With Azure Stack

Microsoft is zeroing in on the steady shift to hybrid cloud deployments with an Azure cloud-based platform that would allow customers to deliver Azure services from their own datacenters. ...Full Article

Giving Businesses Access to the World’s No. 2 Supercomputer for ‘the Intractable Problem’

If you’ve blown through the limitations of a cluster that can’t handle your modeling workloads, Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Titan system is the stuff dreams are made of. Number ...Full Article

Canada’s CPAC Leverages DDN Storage Tech for Ballooning Data and News Content

For the Cable Public Affairs Channel (CPAC), the C-SPAN of Canada, 2015 posed two major challenges – one of them data intensive, the other operational. On the data side, ...Full Article

Driverless Tractors, Drone Crop Dusters, Automated Milking: Agriculture Called the ‘Most Attractive’ Robotics Market Opportunity

Just as we’re becoming acclimated to the brave new world of driverless cars, driverless tractors and other agricultural robots will, in the not too distant future, harvest the food ...Full Article

Handicapping IBM/OpenPOWER’s Odds for Success

2016 promises to be pivotal in the IBM/OpenPOWER effort to claim a non-trivial chunk of the Intel-dominated high-end server landscape. Big Blue’s stated goal of 20-to-30 percent market share ...Full Article

Data Center Industry Seeing New Entrants, New Technology Designed to Save Energy Costs, Speed Provisioning

Data center outsourcing means forecasting power requirements for the duration of a contract, which typically lasts five to 10 years. With the pace of change in IT, changing business ...Full Article

How NoSQL Maximizes Hardware and Enables Scale Like We’ve Never Seen

We live in a time when a developer can build an app in six hours, release it to the world, do little to no marketing and still get 2.3 ...Full Article

New Ranking of Public Cloud Providers Reveals Big Price/Performance Disparities

As companies increasingly move portions of their advanced scale computing workloads to the cloud, at least one industry watcher warns that the lure of an instant, scalable virtual infrastructure ...Full Article
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