Stormy Seas Ahead for Safe Harbor Users
When Europe's top court declared the Safe Harbor data-transfer agreement invalid, it should not have come as a surprise to those who follow the continent's privacy rulings. But now ...Full Article
How to Maintain Security Due Diligence in the Cloud
Cloud offerings have greatly improved in scale and economic efficiency, making it a relevant and viable choice for the computing needs of organizations in every industry. While cloud delivers ...Full Article
IBM Promotes Era of Cognitive Computing
Cognitive computing, not digitization, is the destination enterprises should target, and employees should not worry about mass layoffs but rather seek out new career opportunities, IBM CEO Ginni Rometty ...Full Article
Couchbase Releases V4 of NoSQL Database
Couchbase today unveiled the eponymous fourth version of its NoSQL database designed to empower developers in create broader varieties of web, mobile, and Internet of Things applications on Couchbase. ...Full Article
Gartner: ‘Hello Algorithms, Goodbye Apps’
Algorithms will soon replace apps as they reshape business, IT, and the ways in which organizations interact with customers, partners, and employees, according to researchers speaking at today's Gartner ...Full Article
NSCI Increases HPC Privacy & Security Stakes
As the National Strategic Computer Initiative broadens interest in high performance computing, it is imperative that advocates and adopters recognize increased visibility likely will raise the cybersecurity stakes, cautioned ...Full Article
Larry Smarr: Building the Big Data Superhighway
Internet pioneer Larry Smarr is now spearheading an initiative to create a high-speed virtual super highway for big data. EnterpriseTech shares the details in a Q&A.Full Article
Hacking Team Sets New Attack Vectors
The Hacking Team breach occurred over the summer, but enterprises should continue learning new lessons in cybersecurity and threats. Here, a malware analyst explores how some of the firm's software works ...Full Article
How to Build a Data Lake in One Simple Step
Gartner turned heads last year when it declared the majority of data lake projects would end in failure. As a self-avowed “old dog” of data warehousing, EMC’s Bill Schmarzo ...Full Article
From Hacker to IoT Security Hero? Red Balloon Floats New Solution
The same person who once hacked HP printers and other telecommunications products to demonstrate the vulnerability of embedded devices has now developed a platform-independent real-time host-based intrusion defense system designed ...Full Article