Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Friday, March 28, 2025

Kubernetes Developer Mesosphere Rebrands as D2iQ

Kubernetes, the de facto standard cluster orchestrator, continues to transform an expanding ecosystem of enterprise cloud vendors to the point where some are changing their identity to reflect the ...Full Article

Hacker Traffic Havoc: Stalled Autonomous Cars and City-wide Gridlock

Another potential source of skepticism about self-driving cars has cropped up, one that the auto industry may need to quell in the public mind: a new report depicts hackers ...Full Article

Red Hat Usage Data: IBM AI Gold Mine?

Data may have been a major – and under-appreciated – factor compelling Big Blue to plunk down $34 billion for Red Hat, a deal (the third largest in tech ...Full Article

Kubernetes, Container Security Woes Evolving

Kubernetes security has emerged as a booming business as deployments enter production and security vendors release a steady stream of user surveys pinpointing specific pain points in production container ...Full Article

Easing AI Access: ‘Citizen Data Scientists’ and Humanized Machine Learning

IDC estimates worldwide data volume is set to rise by 61 percent between 2018 and 2025 – eventually reaching 175 zettabytes – with much of this generated by businesses. ...Full Article

SoftBank Launches 2nd $100 Billion-Plus AI Investment Fund

The march of money – big money – into AI continues. On the heels of Microsoft’s investment of $1 billion in OpenAI’s R&D of artificial general intelligence, SoftBank has ...Full Article

Container Storage Goes Native

Persistent storage emerged as an early requirement for shifting application containers to full production. Industry standards groups have since taken up the cause by launching so-called “cloud-native” storage projects ...Full Article

Docker Tightens Embrace of Kubernetes

The latest enterprise version of the Docker software container platform is aimed at delivering cloud-native applications from hybrid cloud deployments out to emerging network edge devices. The container pioneer ...Full Article

Bitfusion Acquisition Extends VMware Virtualization of GPUs

VMware has championed the virtues of virtualization of the x86 architecture for more than 20 years, and now the company plans to extend its commitment to virtualizing new architectures ...Full Article

Microsoft Investing $1B in OpenAI Artificial General Intelligence R&D

Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is AI’s moonshot, the next giant leap for the AI field. Microsoft regards it to be feasible enough to warrant a $1 billion investment in ...Full Article
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