Digital Transformation via Modernization: Avoid Rip-and-Replace Disruption
Many believe that 2019 will be a watershed year for digital transformation. There are practical objectives and operational challenges that are forcing executives to rethink previous IT strategies. The ...Full Article
Google Brings in Outside AI Advisors
Growing unease about the arc of AI technology is prompting companies to step back from their breakneck development efforts to consider the ethical implications of AI and how to ...Full Article
Kubernetes Adds Initial Support for Windows Containers
The latest version of the Kubernetes cluster orchestrator moved a step closer to becoming operating-system agnostic with the addition of support for Windows Server-based workloads, reflecting ongoing efforts to ...Full Article
From ‘Retinator’ to Visionary: AI for Automated Retinopathy Diagnosis
The Iowa Informatics Initiative (UI3) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Symposium was Friday, February 15, 2019 in the University of Iowa (UI) College of Public Health building. UI3 Director Greg Carmichael ...Full Article
Reemerging Container Security Ills Addressed
Concerns about the security of application containers have reemerged as the micro-services technology spreads across the enterprise. Those worries are fueled by recent reports of a “breakout” vulnerability in the ...Full Article
Data Science a New Pillar of the Scientific Method – Nvidia
We already knew that GPUs are useful for lots of things besides making Fortnite uncomfortably realistic. All the biggest supercomputers in the world use GPUs to accelerate math, and ...Full Article
Tabor Communications Announces Rebranding of EnterpriseTech: EnterpriseAI
Tabor Communications, publisher of high performance technology publications HPCwire, Datanami and EnterpriseTech, has announced that EnterpriseTech has been re-branded as EnterpriseAI. The new name reflects the publication’s increased focus ...Full Article
At GTC: Nvidia Expands Scope of Its AI and Data Center Ecosystem
In the high-stakes race to provide the AI life-cycle solution of choice, three of the biggest horses in the field are IBM, Intel and Nvidia. While the latter is ...Full Article
Guidelines for Getting Going with AI and Advanced Analytics
These are exciting times for anyone yearning to drive significant business value from masses of data collected on the cloud. We finally have the processing power, software frameworks and ...Full Article
NASA Simulator Shapes Orion Spacecraft Design
NASA is using flow simulations running on its Pleiades supercomputer to help design the agency’s next manned spacecraft, Orion. Crew safety is paramount, so NASA engineers are using the ...Full Article