Report: Financial Services Sector in $14B Analytics Binge
“Big data” has come to mean different things to different people, morphing from the huge data volumes too big for traditional databases to handle, to the infrastructure required to ...Full Article
Hitting at the Hidden (and Not So Hidden) Costs of CAE
Today’s engineers use Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) software to solve a range of engineering problems associated with the mass production of products. Yet, many know first-hand that single licenses ...Full Article
Bringing AI to Autonomous Centers of Data
Traditionally, IT’s role included reacting to problems in the data center. This resulted in frustration, headaches and wasted time. After an issue cropped up, staff searched through log files ...Full Article
Dell Founder Retains Control as it Resumes Public Trading
Twenty-two months after completing its $67 billion megadeal to ingest EMC Corp., Dell Technologies has again gone public with the issuance of a publicly traded tracking stock and the ...Full Article
IBM Builds AI Framework Around Power9
Moving artificial intelligence initiatives from the proof-of-concept stage to production and enterprise adoption remains tough sledding as projects often hit data management and infrastructure performance roadblocks. Those performance issues ...Full Article
2017: Cloud HPC on a Roll; Pure Play High Performance Storage Dips; End User Unease with ‘Technology Disaggregation’
HPC in the cloud is one of those “insanely great” ideas that, failing to fire, year after year recedes before our expectations. Until, that is, last year, according to ...Full Article
Kubernetes Services Expand as Complexity Increases
The IT industry continues to coalesce around the de facto standard cluster and container orchestrator called Kubernetes. With an upgraded version of the cloud service expected to be released ...Full Article
At ISC18: Hyperion Reports Healthy Current & Future HPC Market Growth
Borne on the rising wave of emerging high performance data analytics (HPDA) and machine learning use cases, along with global government spending on development of exascale-class system the HPC ...Full Article
How Microservices and APIs Make Beautiful Music Together
When I talk to enterprise leaders confused about managing microservices, I sometimes begin by asking them to imagine an evening at the symphony. I love the sound of an ...Full Article
Nvidia Adds HPC Containers
In its drive to accelerate supercomputing and AI development via GPUs, Nvidia said this week it is expanding the number of application containers available on its GPU cloud. The ...Full Article