Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Thursday, February 6, 2025

Systems Vendors Refresh Product Lines as Intel Launches New Xeon, Optane Server Technologies

Five of the biggest systems vendors – Dell EMC, Lenovo, Supermicro, Cisco and Cray – in concert with Intel’s launch this morning of its second-generation Xeon Scalable processors (Cascade ...Full Article

As AI Begets IA, Whither Tomorrow’s Workers?

Deep thinkers pondering the role of automation in the workplace are defining a new domain of appropriate—and controllable—technologies under the rubric of “intelligent automation” that promises to handle rote ...Full Article

10 Ways AI Affects HPC in 2019

AI workloads are becoming ubiquitous, including running on the world’s fastest computers — thereby changing what we call HPC forever. As every organization plans for the future, AI workloads are ...Full Article

MIT Researchers Look to Speed Neural Net Design

The design of a neural network architecture remains a daunting problem, requiring human expertise and lots of computing resources. The soaring computational requirements of neural architecture search (NAS) algorithms ...Full Article

Google Brings in Outside AI Advisors

Growing unease about the arc of AI technology is prompting companies to step back from their breakneck development efforts to consider the ethical implications of AI and how to ...Full Article

ScaleMatrix Extends Density to the Edge

The edge is anywhere, everywhere (and any size) you want it to be, including some forbidding places that – until the advent of AI and IoT workloads that demand ...Full Article

From ‘Retinator’ to Visionary: AI for Automated Retinopathy Diagnosis

The Iowa Informatics Initiative (UI3) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Symposium was Friday, February 15, 2019 in the University of Iowa (UI) College of Public Health building. UI3 Director Greg Carmichael ...Full Article

Nvidia on the Spot: Answering Autonomous Driving Ethical Questions

We’ve all heard the question: An autonomous car carrying an adult comes around a blind turn and detects a child in the middle of the road. To the left ...Full Article

GTC 2019: Chief Scientist Bill Dally Gives Glimpse into Nvidia Research Engine

Amid the frenzy of GTC – Nvidia’s annual conference showcasing all things GPU (and now AI) – William Dally, chief scientist and SVP of research, provided a brief but ...Full Article

Data Science a New Pillar of the Scientific Method – Nvidia

We already knew that GPUs are useful for lots of things besides making Fortnite uncomfortably realistic. All the biggest supercomputers in the world use GPUs to accelerate math, and ...Full Article
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