5G Readiness Lags — Here’s What to Do Now
The coming of 5G was one of the main themes at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show. Computerworld went so far as to say CES 2019 was “all about 5G,” ...Full Article
Networks Groan Under Weight of Global Traffic
It is the best of times for networking equipment vendors, but it may be the worst of times for data-driven enterprises if they can’t figure out how to unclog ...Full Article
Ericsson Unveils U.S. 5G Roadmap
The deployment of 5G wireless networks for low-latency applications like the Internet of Things is accelerating with plans for production of the first U.S. radio base station by the ...Full Article
Architecting Your Network for 5G
5G has the unique challenge of enabling not only well-known services, such as mobile phone calls and ultra-broadband, but new services with very different characteristics. These services include low ...Full Article
5G Seen as Key to IoT
Among the critical elements required to support expanding Internet of Things deployments are wider wireless pipes that consume less power. That’s the promise of IoT networks supported by emerging ...Full Article