Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Friday, March 28, 2025

advanced manufacturing

AMPing Up American Manufacturing

The American Manufacturing Partnership calls for a national effort to support the creation of good jobs by helping US manufacturers reduce costs, improve quality, and accelerate product development.  ...Full Article

Report on the Subject of Manufacturers

In 1791, America's first Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, put forth his grand plan for industrializing the United States. In his "Report on the Subject of Manufacturers," Hamilton ...Full Article

Make It in the UK: Brits Target the World

In the UK's heartland, Sheffield City Region is positioning itself to become the manufacturing hub of the world.Full Article

Floating All Boats: A Conversation with NCSA’s Merle Giles

If you'e simulating the universe, it helps to have a machine like NASA's Pleiades supercomputer. But if you want to use a supercomputer to design a better aircraft wing ...Full Article

A Labor Day Look at Automation’s Impact

What happens to the workers when companies can do more with less?Full Article

Bringing Powerful HPC Software to Small- and Medium-Sized Manufacturers

The Department of Energy's Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) has joined the ranks of agencies, institutions and individuals determined to help small- to medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) benefit ...Full Article

The Power of Babble

When engineers talk about extrusion and tet meshing and FEA and so on, they're not trying to be pretentious — they're just speaking the language of engineering.Full Article

Seamless Computing: A Conversation with John Hengeveld

Intel's John Hengeveld likes automotive analogies. "If you haven't got a car, you don't need an on-ramp," he says, a statement that makes perfect sense in the context of ...Full Article

Training or Technology – Why Not Both?

A host of regional and international initiatives, including the White House-backed Advanced Manufacturing Partnership, seek to give advanced manufacturing a starring role in the revitalization of our economy.Full Article

Ambitious Advanced Manufacturing Partnership Announced by White House

On Friday, President Obama, speaking at Carnegie Mellon University, announced the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP), a national initiative that enlists the cooperation of industry, academia and the federal government. ...Full Article
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