Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Sunday, March 23, 2025


The Evolution of News Anchors: Bridging Human Authenticity and AI

In a world where innovations shape our daily interactions and experiences, one aspect remains timeless: the way we consume news. As information becomes increasingly abundant and accessible, news organizations ...Full Article

Yes, Big Data Is Still a Thing (It Never Really Went Away)

A funny thing happened on the way to the AI promised land: People realized they need data. In fact, they realized they need large quantities of a wide variety ...Full Article

Industrial AI: A Critical Tool for Complex Energy Systems

From oil and gas to power and utilities, energy companies around the globe have seen their businesses become more complex as the world works to navigate the energy transition. ...Full Article

Argonne’s Rick Stevens on Energy, AI, and a New Kind of Science

The world is currently experiencing two of the largest societal upheavals since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. One is the rapid improvement and implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) ...Full Article

Anthropic Talks Red Teaming for AI

The security and safety of AI tools is a topic that’s become ever more important as the technology influences more of our world. Achieving this goal is going to ...Full Article

GenAI Lost in Translation? Assessing Advanced Technology’s Language Gap in Life Sciences

As various industries explore new applications for advanced intelligence, generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) continues to gain traction. Its ability to process complex data, uncover hidden patterns, automate tasks and ...Full Article

Using AI to Keep Scammers and Fraudsters (a Little More) Honest

Fraudsters and scammers have had a good run lately according to the FTC, which found Americans lost $10 billion to frauds and scams in 2023, a 14% increase over ...Full Article

Using AI and Robots to Advance Science

Even though we invented it, humans can be pretty bad at science. We need to eat and sleep, we sometimes let our emotions regulate our behavior, and our bodies ...Full Article

ISC 2024 Keynote: High-precision Computing Will Be a Foundation for AI Models

Some scientific computing applications cannot sacrifice accuracy and will always require high-precision computing. Therefore, conventional high-performance computing (HPC) will remain essential, even as many applications transition to AI and ...Full Article

Aurora Proves AI Supremacy, Snags Top AI Spot from Frontier

As of the 63rd edition of the TOP500, the Aurora supercomputer out of Argonne National Laboratory has officially broken the exascale barrier with an HPL score of 1.012 exaflops. ...Full Article
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