Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Wednesday, March 12, 2025


The Adaptive FPGA Platform that Might Carry AI – and Everything Else – Forward

Change is a constant, the pace of change accelerates, adapt to change or wither.... Right, sorry, these are givens. But still, these days, it bears repeating because creative destruction ...Full Article

Ericsson Unveils U.S. 5G Roadmap

The deployment of 5G wireless networks for low-latency applications like the Internet of Things is accelerating with plans for production of the first U.S. radio base station by the ...Full Article

Intel Reveals Next Gen Xeon Processors, Optane Persistent Memory

For all its power, success, profits and influence, life at Intel is a permanent struggle. Chide if you will Andy Grove’s faith in paranoia as an organizing corporate principle, ...Full Article

Ubiquitous Nvidia Powers Dell EMC AI Stack

Wherever there’s AI, Nvidia’s there. Wherever there’s a car trying to drive itself, Nvidia’s there. Wherever there’s a robot stacking boxes coming off a warehouse conveyer belt, Nvidia’s there. ...Full Article

Supercomputer-Powered Enterprise AI Platform from NetApp and Nvidia

Bestowing the blessings of AI, machine learning and deep learning upon more than the 1 percent means easing entry into the mysteries of AI. This requires new combinations of ...Full Article

Study Predicts Many AI False Starts

There is no shortage of corporate AI projects underway and most will fail because companies have not laid the proper foundation in the form of pilot projects or proof ...Full Article

China’s AI Goals Remain ‘Aspirational’

China launched an aggressive AI strategy last year that “set a very ambitious goal for AI industry development in China between now and 2030,” according to Xiaomeng Lu, international public ...Full Article

Google, Iron Mountain Take on the Data Growth-Analytics Gap

There’s an institutionalized, seemingly intractable and ever widening gap in enterprise IT between data growth and HPDA’s (high performance data analytics) ability to access more than a small piece ...Full Article

Robotic Process Automation: Best Friend for Back-Office Workers

Robotic process automation (RPA) — a close cousin of and a first step on the way to AI — is changing the way companies work. Enterprises look to RPA ...Full Article

Baidu, Intel Expand Collaboration on AI

Intel Corp. is teaming with Chinese e-commerce giant Baidu on a batch of AI projects spanning FPGA-backed workload acceleration, a deep learning framework based on Xeon scalable processors and ...Full Article
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