Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Tuesday, March 25, 2025


AI-driven Diagnostics for Network of Boston-based Healthcare Providers

The Center for Clinical Data Science (CCDS), Boston, is at the confluence of major technology trends driving the healthcare industry: AI-based diagnostics of large volumes of medical images, shared ...Full Article

Putin: Who Controls AI ‘Will Be Ruler of the World’

AI alarmism took on a geopolitical cast today as Russian President Vladimir Putin asserted that whoever is first to build breakthrough artificial intelligence technology will have world domination. According ...Full Article

Intel Debuts Myriad X Vision Processing Unit for Neural Net Inferencing

Intel today introduced the Movidius Myriad X Vision Processing Unit (VPU) which Intel is calling the first vision processing system-on-a-chip (SoC) with a dedicated neural compute engine to accelerate ...Full Article

Microsoft, Intel Unveil FPGA-driven ‘Real-Time AI’ in Azure

We know about the seeming light-speed processing power of FPGAs and the natural fit they pose for data-dense AI workloads. But we also know that FPGAs present usability and ...Full Article

Microsoft Bolsters Azure With Cloud HPC Deal

Microsoft has acquired cloud computing software vendor Cycle Computing in a move designed to bring orchestration tools along with high-end computing access capabilities to the cloud. Terms of the ...Full Article

IBM Scales AI with Distributed Deep Learning

IBM announced today an enhancement to its PowerAI software platform aimed at scaling AI models on today’s fastest GPUs. Scaling to 256 GPUs with its new distributed deep learning ...Full Article

Airlines Embracing AI Take Wing, AI Index Finds

Stock prices of airline companies – starting with Southwest and Hawaiian airlines – that have embraced AI look like the flight path of a plane just after take-off: steady ...Full Article

Advice to AI Startups: Lift Veil on Algorithms

The hardheaded folks who advise investors on what technologies show promise and which are mostly smoke and mirrors are beginning to weigh in on much-hyped approaches such as machine ...Full Article

Regulate AI? Musk-Zuckerberg Stand Astride the Divide

The future of AI – heck, the future of human civilization – is the hot tech industry topic this week, not only for the topic itself but for who’s ...Full Article

AI-Driven ‘Digital Employees’ Will Replace Recently Embraced Chatbots

Customer service chatbots have quickly gained widespread adoption in the retail industry. But leading brands already are evaluating alternative, next-gen customer service technologies – namely, AI and cognitive computing ...Full Article
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