AI Translation of Online Sarcasm for Sales Research. No Kidding
“I don’t hate Mondays at all.” “This sugar-free, gluten-free quinoa cake is exactly what I wanted for dessert.” “I am totally happy skipping my vacation to work a few ...Full Article
IBM Coils Anaconda Around Power Processor
IBM, which recently extended support for the Anaconda data science platform to its open source mainframe, takes another step this week by offering the data platform on its Cognitive ...Full Article
Forrester: Businesses Beginning to Jump on AI Bandwagon, but Barriers Abound
The state of AI today reminds us of the old observation about teenagers and sex: there’s more curiosity than knowledge, more talk than action, more failed attempts than actual ...Full Article
Autonomous Cars: Google No. 1, Toyota Sees Carbon-free Future, Memory a Speed Bump?
With billions of dollars at stake in the car market of the future, technology and auto companies are aggressively jockeying for position to deliver self-driving vehicles that could, ultimately, ...Full Article
Data-Hungry Algorithms and the Thirst for AI
At Tabor Communications’ Leverage Big Data + EnterpriseHPC Summit in Florida last week, esteemed HPC professional Jay Boisseau, chief HPC technology strategist at Dell EMC, engaged the audience with ...Full Article
AI in HPC on Wall Street: Getting Going Is the Hard Part
IT managers in the financial services industry are fully aware that high performance data analytics, AI and deep learning technologies are plentiful and available, and they know that some ...Full Article
Propelling Deep Learning at Scale at Baidu AI Lab
Researchers from Baidu’s Silicon Valley AI Lab (SVAIL) have adapted a well-known HPC communication technique to boost the speed and scale of their neural network training and now they ...Full Article
Shared Economy Start-up Uses AI-based Compatibility Testing for Online Rental Marketplace
Seeking the next big idea in the “shared economy” pioneered by Uber and Airbnb – while also incorporating compatibility matching capabilities of dating and social media sites – an ...Full Article
Intel Details AI Hardware Strategy for Post-GPU Age
Last week at SC16, Intel revealed its product roadmap for embedding its processors with key capabilities and attributes needed to take artificial intelligence (AI) to the next level. It also ...Full Article
IBM Eyes Enterprise Workloads With PowerAI
Last year at SC15, IBM offered its vision of an accelerator-assisted computing paradigm enabled by the OpenPOWER ecosystem of diverse partners and focused on cognitive computing as the key ...Full Article