Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Sunday, March 23, 2025


Capt. Kirk Goes Back to Space Aboard New Shepard

The first time I saw old, original “Star Trek” episodes, I thought the show was stupid. But that was then. Decades later, I came to appreciate the original “Star ...Full Article

What Bezos Leaving as CEO Means for Amazon and AWS

As Jeff Bezos prepares to give up Amazon’s CEO seat to become the company’s executive chair in the third quarter of 2021, the big question now being asked is ...Full Article

Amazon and BP Expanding Their Year-Old Deal for Renewable Energy and AWS Cloud Services

For the last year, Amazon Web Services and BP have been working together as partners, with AWS providing BP with services to migrate more than 400 applications to the ...Full Article

Toyota and AWS Team Up to Enable a Smarter Future for Cars

Cars are getting smarter, and it’s not just Tesla at the wheel. Vehicles are increasingly connected to the cloud, allowing manufacturers to streamline smarter contextual and internet-driven services. Now, ...Full Article

AWS Plows Snow Family to the Edge

Amazon Web Services added to its Snow family of data migration and edge devices this week with the introduction of a secure edge computing and data transfer device dubbed ...Full Article

AWS Graviton2 Arm-Based EC2 Instances Now Available

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has announced the general availability of sixth-generation Amazon EC2 C6g and R6g instances powered by Arm-based AWS Graviton2 processors. The new instances are available starting ...Full Article

Blockchain: Streamlining Disrupted Supply Chains During COVID Crisis

Supply chains are increasingly subject to disruption in recent years from trade wars and pandemics, as well as from new demands driven by new technologies, regulations and materials. Modern ...Full Article

New Chips from AWS: Arm-based General Purpose and ML Inference

The “x86 Big Bang,” in which market dominance of the venerable Intel CPU has exploded into fragments of processor options suited to varying workloads, has now encompassed CPUs offered ...Full Article

Spending Spree: Hyperscalers Bought $57B of IT in 2018, $10B+ by Google – But Is Cloud on Horizon?

Hyperscalers are the masters of the IT universe, gravitational centers of increasing pull in the emerging age of data-driven compute and AI.  In the high-stakes, winner-take-all world of the ...Full Article

Amazon Pulls Plug on Oracle Databases

Amazon Web Services declared victory in its latest skirmish with cloud rival and database leader Oracle, announcing this week it has completed the migration of its consumer business to ...Full Article
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