A Cure For Risky Storage Upgrades
The latest version of storage services specialist SolidFire's Element OS adds multi-tenant networking along with user features the company said can be used to consolidate a mix of application ...Full Article
Pure Storage Hints At Hyperconverged Future
All-flash storage array maker Pure Storage has been very clear that it is not interested in going backwards and delivering hybrid arrays that mix disk drives and flash memory, ...Full Article
SolidFire Aims Lower With All-Flash Arrays, Raises Cash
All-flash array upstart SolidFire, which was founded by a team of techies with expertise in online gaming, cloud computing, and enterprise storage, is launching smaller-scale versions of its eponymous ...Full Article
Pure Storage, EMC, And IBM Lead The All-Flash Array Pack
All-flash storage arrays have come of age, and are increasingly being used to replace all-disk and hybrid flash-disk arrays for the tier one storage that underpins applications and databases ...Full Article
NetApp Shoots High And Low With FAS Hybrid Arrays
Network-attached storage pioneer NetApp is pushing back against the army of upstart makers of hybrid and all-flash storage arrays with upgrades to its FAS line of hybrid devices, extending ...Full Article