Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Saturday, March 1, 2025

Big Data

Bringing Big Data and HPC Together

What does the intersection of big data and high performance computing look like? About 50 technology leaders from across industries got an exclusive glimpse during Tabor Communications’ inaugural LBD ...Full Article

The ‘Insight-Driven Business’: How to Become a Master of the Data Universe

Masters of the Data Universe: Uber, Netflix, Facebook, Amazon, Google. We know who they are. They hire genius data scientists who wrestle data into submission, building elite analytics superstructures ...Full Article

Steady Shift in Enterprise Workloads to Cloud

An estimated 41 percent of enterprise workloads are currently running in public and private clouds, a total that is expected to rise to 60 percent over the next two ...Full Article

Bullish Hadoop Forecast Despite Spark Hype

Despite major market inroads being made by Apache Spark, a new forecast estimates the global market for the Hadoop big data framework will continue to grow at a healthy ...Full Article

Intel Among Investors in Cognitive Computing Startup

The scaling of machine intelligence technology in the enterprise continues apace with another successful venture funding round reported by a cognitive computing startup. CognitiveScale of Austin, Texas, said Tuesday ...Full Article

The Third Age of Data and the Unfolding Scale-out World

Welcome to the Third Age of Data, where an estimated 1 trillion sensors are embedded in a nearly limitless landscape of networked sources, from health monitoring devices to municipal ...Full Article

9 Ways Retailers Are Using Big Data and Hadoop

The big data revolution is changing how business gets done in all industries. That includes the massive retail market, which drives $2.6 trillion in business in the U.S. and ...Full Article

It’s 3 a.m. — Do You Know What Your Cluster’s Doing?

Performance challenges in Hadoop environments are par for the course as organizations attempt to capture the benefits of big data. The growing ecosystem of tools and applications (including new ...Full Article

Enterprises Embrace Machine Learning

Machine learning technology is poised to move from niche data analytics applications to mainstream enterprise big data campaigns over the next two years, a recent vendor survey suggests. SoftServe, ...Full Article

An Insider’s Guide to Building a Cloud-based FinServ Big Data Analytics Shared Service

Even if you’ve never lived through a data analytics development project at a financial services organization, you know it’s a complicated undertaking. But you may not know just how ...Full Article
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