Amazon and BP Expanding Their Year-Old Deal for Renewable Energy and AWS Cloud Services
For the last year, Amazon Web Services and BP have been working together as partners, with AWS providing BP with services to migrate more than 400 applications to the ...Full Article
IBM Claims No. 1 Commercial Supercomputer with Total Oil & Gas System
IBM can now boast not only the two most powerful supercomputers in the world, it also has claimed the top spot for a supercomputer used in a commercial setting. ...Full Article
On the Front Lines of Advanced Scale Computing: HPC at BP and Rolls-Royce
This is the second of two articles based on the “HPC Impact Showcase” series at SC15 last week in Austin, real-world applications of advanced scale computing to improve business ...Full Article
BP Fires Up 2.2 Petaflops Cluster for Oil Exploration
There is an arms race in the oil and gas industry, and the weapon of choice is a server cluster. Energy industry giant BP has opened the doors on ...Full Article