Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Thursday, February 20, 2025


HPC Helps Put Mercury Marine in Front of its Competitors

<img style="float: left;" src="http://media2.hpcwire.com/dmr/Mercruiser_small.jpg" alt="" width="87" height="64" />How Mercury Marine, the last remaining U.S. manufacturer of outboard motors, is using digital manufacturing, modeling and simulation, to stay ahead of ...Full Article

Bicycle Racing on the Computer? Modeling and Simulation for a Small Business

Intel's Bill Feiereisen, an avid bicyclist, combines his enthusiasm for the sport with his HPC credentials to take a look at the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in ...Full Article

Taming Tough Duty Cycles: Digital Manufacturing at John Deere

The tough little Gator all-terrain vehicle is Mohamad El-Zein's favorite example of how his group, Metals and Mechanics, John Deere Moline Technology and Innovation Center, uses advanced digital manufacturing ...Full Article

Case Study: MSC Nastran Used to Optimize Unmanned Aircraft Performance

The Global Observer is an unmanned aircraft with the wingspan of a Boeing 767 but less than 10 percent of the weight designed to provide communications and sensing for ...Full Article

Next Generation SGI ICE X Scale-Out Bladed HPC Cluster Introduced at SC11

Since it was first introduced in 2007, SGI has gotten a lot of mileage out of its SGI ICE platforms. With today’s announcement at SC11, the company is upping ...Full Article

Notes from the European COMSOL Multiphysics Conference

Wolfgang Gentzsch surveys conference participants and finds that many, despite the use of workstations, PCs and a few HPC clusters, are experiencing severe resource limitations.Full Article

Dream Chaser Space Plane Program Off the Ground

The rules of the game are changing. Space exploration, once a federally funded, government led endeavor, is becoming privatized. Testimony before Congress by Dream Chaser prime contractor, Sierra Nevada ...Full Article

How To Make a Safer, More Comfortable Firefighter’s Mask

What's your head shape? Are you oval like an egg, round like a pumpkin, or maybe more like a turnip? Your cranial configuration literally becomes a burning issue if ...Full Article

High Performance Computing for Manufacturing – Why Is It Not Used Everywhere?

"Manufacturing is a key part of our economy." This is more than a cliché. It is the basis of wealth creation and the source of the goods that we ...Full Article

High-Risk, Big Payoffs from DOE’s ASCR Leadership Computing Research Program

Through its ASCR Leadership Computing Challenge (ALCC), the DOE's Advanced Scientific Computing Research program offers up to 30 percent of its computational resources at NERSC (National Energy Research Scientific ...Full Article
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