GreenQloud Announces QloudSync: A Clean Powered Open Source Cloud Storage Syncing Client
<a title="GreenQloud" href="http://www.greenqloud.com/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">GreenQloud</a>, the world’s first Truly Green cloud software company powered by renewable energy, announced the launch of <a title="QloudSync" href="http://www.greenqloud.com/qloudsync" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">QloudSync</a>, a new cloud storage ...Full Article
TurnKey Internet Begins Datacenter Expansion in New York
Sustainable IT solutions provider TurnKey Internet, Inc. announced the expansion of its Latham, New York, datacenter.Full Article
Green Prefab to Help Builders Go Green
<img style="float: left;" src="http://media2.hpcwire.com/dmr/Architecture_framework.jpg" alt="" width="95" height="85" border="0" />As far as simulations that hit close to home, nothing is likely to come closer than those of the building industry, ...Full Article
Autodesk Unveils Fusion 360 in the Cloud
<img style="float: left;" src="http://media2.hpcwire.com/dmr/fusion360.jpg" alt="" width="95" height="63" border="0" />While individual manufacturers have been have begun a gradual drift toward cloud adoption, Autodesk could help them on the way their ...Full Article
‘Robot Brain’ Goes Live in the Cloud
<img style="float: left;" src="http://media2.hpcwire.com/dmr/digital_brain.jpg" alt="" width="95" height="71" />European scientists have turned on the first part of a web-based database to help robots learn about what they encounter in the ...Full Article
Changing Tides in IT Outsourcing
<img style="float: left;" src="http://media2.hpcwire.com/dmr/economy.jpg" alt="" width="95" height="65" />While outsourcing in the manufacturing sector sends sparks flying among politicians, IT outsourcing for services such as cloud is booming without so ...Full Article