cyber security
Cyber Defenses Get an AI Boost
Greater access to big data and HPC resources are enabling enterprise use of emerging AI tools and machine learning models to help protect corporate networks and secure enterprise applications. ...Full Article
DoD Spending Bill for 2021 Seeks to Create New National Cybersecurity Czar
Funding for the creation of a new national cybersecurity director post within the Executive Office of the President is a key part of the latest spending authorization bill for ...Full Article
HPE Secures its Server Supply Chain
A trusted supply chain initiative launched this week by Hewlett-Packard Enterprise addresses growing demand for domestically manufactured and secure servers. HPE announced Thursday (Oct. 1) it has shipped the ...Full Article
Russian Malware Targets Linux, US Warns
The Russians are coming, again, this time with new malware targeting Linux systems, according to a U.S. advisory issued this week. The FBI and the U.S. National Security Agency ...Full Article
App Tracing Startup Emerges from Stealth
As enterprise software architectures evolve beyond monolithic applications to delivering micro-services, debugging tools like distributed tracing are emerging to detect cyberattacks against one of the foundations of cloud-native deployments: ...Full Article
Cyber Security is Recovery Focus as 5G Enthusiasm Wanes
The urgency of 5G wireless rollouts has diminished among executives in a monthly survey of global business conditions as enterprises shift their pandemic recovery focus to more pressing matters ...Full Article
Nvidia Goes Deep With Mellanox Datacenter Net Security
When Nvidia announced its acquisition of Mellanox, the GPU leader noted that datacenters would eventually be built like high performance computers. Hence, it’s not surprising the first fruits of ...Full Article
DARPA Stress Tests its Hardware-Centric Security Approach
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency launched a cyber security effort several years back designed to replace commonly used security patches for software applications with the ability to spot ...Full Article
COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps Attracting Hackers
As contact tracing ramps up for exposure to COVID-19, so too are concerns about data privacy and whether phony tracing apps will expand opportunities for attackers preying on citizens ...Full Article
Shift to AI Tools Doesn’t Guarantee Secure IT
AI and machine learning tools enlisted to bolster the security of enterprise infrastructure are ubiquitous. Still, a vendor survey reveals a persistent gap between deployment and working knowledge about ...Full Article