Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Tuesday, March 4, 2025


What Will We Do About the Cybersecurity Pearl Harbor?

When I first started to equate the massive and consequential breaches suffered during the recent past with multiple Pearl Harbors, a few people thought I was over dramatic and ...Full Article

Data Theft: It’s Not the Only Danger Hackers Wreak

By manipulating or changing data, hackers can alter medical or financial records and put enterprises -- or even lives -- in danger. Tools like threat modeling allay these concerns, ...Full Article

Data Surveillance: Because “Data is Where the Money Is”

Infamous felon Willie Sutton robbed his first bank in 1927 and went on to make illegitimate withdrawals of millions of dollars from some dozens of banks over two decades. Sutton ...Full Article

NSCI Increases HPC Privacy & Security Stakes

As the National Strategic Computer Initiative broadens interest in high performance computing, it is imperative that advocates and adopters recognize increased visibility likely will raise the cybersecurity stakes, cautioned ...Full Article

OPM Breach Impacts 5.6M, Not 1.1M, Fingerprints

The Office of Personnel Management disclosed today that 5.6 million fingerprints, not 1.1 million, were stolen when the federal agency was breached in July. At that time, 21.5 million ...Full Article

Hacking Team Sets New Attack Vectors

The Hacking Team breach occurred over the summer, but enterprises should continue learning new lessons in cybersecurity and threats. Here, a malware analyst explores how some of the firm's software works ...Full Article

From Hacker to IoT Security Hero? Red Balloon Floats New Solution

The same person who once hacked HP printers and other telecommunications products to demonstrate the vulnerability of embedded devices has now developed a platform-independent real-time host-based intrusion defense system designed ...Full Article

Tools Reveal Enterprises’ Dirty Little Cybersecurity Secrets

By leveraging publicly available information, companies like BitSight and SecurityScorecard rate most businesses' cybersecurity profiles, information third parties like CISOs, CSOs, CIOs, insurers, investors, financiers, employees and, perhaps, cyber ...Full Article

3 Steps to Boost Healthcare Data Security

Security breaches are on the rise, and it’s become not a question of if, but when, an organization will be hacked. According to the U.S. Department of Health and ...Full Article

How to Mitigate Third-Party Data Breach Risks

University of Pittsburg Medical Center (UPMC) is one of the latest healthcare organizations to have sensitive records exposed. This breach should trigger a wake-up call for healthcare organizations -- ...Full Article
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