Node.js Popular With DevOps, But Security Lags
Developers are painfully aware of the risks inherent in deploying applications on the open Internet, but few are using tools designed to secure code and mitigate risks. A survey ...Full Article
Latest DevOps Survey Finds Enterprise Gains
DevOps, the intersection of software development, IT operations and quality assurance, is gaining adherents as enterprises look for tools and practices for speeding the delivery of applications and services ...Full Article
Make Way For ‘Citizen Developers’
Harried DevOps teams are getting help from colleagues with no formal training and little experience in programming, an emerging class of workers dubbed "citizen developers" who are expected to ...Full Article
Low-Code Platforms Seen Gaining Traction
The low-code approach to enterprise software development is gathering momentum as companies leverage the platforms for cloud and other digital initiatives along with process automation, according to an industry ...Full Article
Tricentis Acquires Load Testing Startup
Given the amount of buggy software out there and shrinking software release timelines, demand is growing for automation tools used for continuous testing of software. That requirement may be ...Full Article
Open Source Driving DevOps Automation
Heightened awareness about the security risks associated with open source software has increased use of disciplined DevOps practices that have improved application quality and developer productivity, a software supply ...Full Article
AWS Stresses ‘Security by Design,’ DevOps Freedom
Citing its "mind-blowing" impact on the IT industry, Amazon's CTO argued that the cloud is emerging as the "new normal" for digital enterprises while providing developers with resources designed ...Full Article
Cloud Migration: Look Before You Leap
It's best to get your ducks in a row before moving the company jewels to the cloud, a migration study advises. As hybrid cloud strategies gain momentum, the migration ...Full Article
Node.js Momentum Grows, DevOps Survey Finds
Enterprise software developers are frequently on the lookout for tools that can streamline existing business processes or help create new ones. Increasingly, a survey funds, many are turning to ...Full Article
Red Hat Sharpens DevOps Focus with Codenvy Deal
Red Hat has acquired another DevOps startup, this one focused on cloud-native development tools for container-based applications. The company announced this week it is acquiring Codenvy, which was founded ...Full Article