Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Thursday, March 13, 2025

digital manufacturing

Taming Tough Duty Cycles: Digital Manufacturing at John Deere

The tough little Gator all-terrain vehicle is Mohamad El-Zein's favorite example of how his group, Metals and Mechanics, John Deere Moline Technology and Innovation Center, uses advanced digital manufacturing ...Full Article

Vision with Action: A Report from the NCMS DM SIG meeting

The NCMS Digital Manufacturing Strategic Interest Group (DM SIG) moves toward a common goal of implementing strategies to advance digital manufacturing in the U.S.Full Article

Bringing Big Tools to the Little Guys

Jon Riley, National Center for Manufacturing Sciences, addresses the plight of the missing middle at SC11. "We call them the missing middle because they basically are in the Valley ...Full Article

AMPing Up American Manufacturing

The American Manufacturing Partnership calls for a national effort to support the creation of good jobs by helping US manufacturers reduce costs, improve quality, and accelerate product development.  ...Full Article

Time is Momo

Enlisting HPC to save time is a double-edged sword. "Then one day men in grey suits arrive, representatives of the Timesaving Bank. People in town waste too much ...Full Article

Blue Collar Computing Revisited: Lessons Learned

A detailed and thoughtful look at how the Ohio Supercomputer Center has addressed the challenges associated with providing HPC to small- and medium-sized manufacturers. It hasn't been easy, but ...Full Article

Back to the Future!

NCMS's Jon Riley sees the future at the 5th annual MODSIM World Conference and finds it belongs to a new generation of high school students who will be tomorrow's ...Full Article

Report on the Subject of Manufacturers

In 1791, America's first Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, put forth his grand plan for industrializing the United States. In his "Report on the Subject of Manufacturers," Hamilton ...Full Article

Make It in the UK: Brits Target the World

In the UK's heartland, Sheffield City Region is positioning itself to become the manufacturing hub of the world.Full Article

Direct Digital Manufacturing: A Technology Whose Time Has Come

3D printing, a technology that has been in use for several decades, is part of a broader movement known as direct digital manufacturing (DDM) that could forever change the ...Full Article
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