Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Thursday, March 13, 2025

digital manufacturing

A Tale of Two Fossils: 3D Printing Ancient Primate Skulls and Futuristic Insects

3D printing stretches the boundaries of what's possible, from perfect fossil replicas to fanciful insect creations.Full Article

High Performance Computing for Manufacturing – Why Is It Not Used Everywhere?

"Manufacturing is a key part of our economy." This is more than a cliché. It is the basis of wealth creation and the source of the goods that we ...Full Article

Direct Digital Manufacturing, a Matter of National Security

Why leading the charge to advance direct digital manufacturing (DDM) technologies is more important than you realize.Full Article

Floating All Boats: A Conversation with NCSA’s Merle Giles

If you'e simulating the universe, it helps to have a machine like NASA's Pleiades supercomputer. But if you want to use a supercomputer to design a better aircraft wing ...Full Article

The Innovative Manufacturer

Rick Jarman, President & CEO of NCMS, talks about the innovative manufacturer, explaining it will take more than just technology to bring manufacturing into the 21st century. It will ...Full Article

What’s the Latest on NDEMC? A Conversation with the Council on Competitiveness

The Council on Competitiveness is working towards creating a public-private partnership (PPP) to connect small- and medium-sized manufacturers with advanced digital manufacturing techniques such as modeling and simulation. The ...Full Article

Is PLM Only for the Big Guys or Can Mid-Market Manufacturers Share in the Fun?

Depending on who you talk to, PLM can seem pretty complicated, like you'll need a phalanx of people with tablets, flow charts and stop watches to put all the ...Full Article

Digital Manufacturing Report Card: Who’s Finding the Missing Middle?

Numerous initiatives from government and industry have been created to address the "Missing Middle" — small manufacturers who have not adopted the digital manufacturing techniques of computer-aided modeling and ...Full Article

The New ‘King of Cool’ in Manufacturing

Recognizing their competitive value, "Big Industry" has always pioneered the development and use of analytical tools. The key word, though, is "big." Unfortunately, the advantages of analysis tools such ...Full Article

Ten Conferences You Don’t Want to Miss

With the end of summer the conference season kicks into high gear again. Here are some selected events you might want to consider attending to advance yourself personally and ...Full Article
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