What Eucalyptus Brings To HP’s Helion Cloud
With Hewlett-Packard being such an eager supporter of the OpenStack cloud controller in the past couple of years, and increasingly so as it tries to build up its cloud ...Full Article
Debate: How Many Open Source Platforms Are Enough?
Representatives of competing open source cloud controllers debated the merits of each and whether multiple open cloud platforms are even needed. The platform debate often comes down to which ...Full Article
Eucalyptus Scales Out AWS Cloud Clone
Cloud controller pioneer Eucalyptus Systems is sticking to its plan to provide a private cloud alternative that mimics Amazon Web Services and with the 4.0 release of its eponymous ...Full Article
Nokia Dev Cloud Will Swell to 100K Cores
Be careful about giving easy access to computing. You may end up with far more demand than you planned. This is precisely the position that the IT department supporting ...Full Article
Eucalyptus Tightens Integration with AWS, VMware Clouds
OpenStack may get a lot of attention these days, but plenty of enterprise customers who are building private clouds choose Eucalyptus Systems and its eponymous cloud controller. The reason ...Full Article