Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Sunday, March 23, 2025


Blockchain: Streamlining Disrupted Supply Chains During COVID Crisis

Supply chains are increasingly subject to disruption in recent years from trade wars and pandemics, as well as from new demands driven by new technologies, regulations and materials. Modern ...Full Article

Feds, Tech Industry Mull Use of Cell Phone Data for COVID-19 Hot Spot Analytics

Google and a host of other technology companies are in discussions with the federal government and health experts over the use of Americans’ cell phone tracking data to analyze ...Full Article

How the OCP NIC 3.0 is Making Hyperscale Data Centers Cooler

Managing and storing more data has forced hyperscale data center companies to reexamine not just how they build a data center but also the thousands of servers housed inside ...Full Article

Facebook Funds NLP Research

In an effort to improve machine translation of non-English languages, Facebook has announced research award winners who will also investigate ways to improve natural language processing and its deployment ...Full Article

FAANGs under Fire: Congress, Administration Looking at Possible Antitrust, Data Ethics Abuses

The rising outcry against perceived anti-trust, data ethics and hate speech abuses of FAANG companies has sparked actions from Congressional committees, federal law enforcement agencies and regulators from both ...Full Article

NSF Gets Pushback on AI Ethics Research

The National Science Foundation is taking some heat for collaborating with Amazon to fund research on AI fairness. With proposals due at the end of June (“letters of intent” ...Full Article

AI Ecosystem Coalesces Around Hardware Accelerator

The requirement for hardware accelerators used in machine and deep learning applications along with HPC are driving efforts to establish specifications that take account for growing bandwidth and interconnect ...Full Article

Survey: Developers Want API Standards

APIs, application programming interfaces, have emerged as the mortar that binds the bricks of enterprise IT. Hence, calls for greater API standardization grow louder as companies step up development ...Full Article

Google Predicts Big Year for ‘API-ification’

Google Cloud introduced an API platform last July designed in part to give developers better visibility into the interconnections between, and the inner workings among, enterprise applications and data ...Full Article

Facebook Datacenters Nearing Green Energy Goal

Hyperscale datacenter operators continue to strive for energy efficiency as most struggle to keep pace with more demanding workloads. Progress is being reported on at least one front: Facebook ...Full Article
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