Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Thursday, March 13, 2025


Quantum Computing vs. Our ‘Caveman Newtonian Brain’: Why Quantum Is So Hard

Quantum is coming. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon enough*. Within 10 to 12 years, we’re told, special-purpose quantum systems (see related story: Hyperion on the Emergence ...Full Article

Cisco, Google Advance Hybrid Cloud Collaboration

Cisco Systems and Google have been collaborating over the past year to extend the Kubernetes container orchestrator to on-premises production platforms. Cisco's collaboration with Google Cloud was disclosed last ...Full Article

IBM Expands ‘Quantum Ready’ Effort

IBM has enlisted large banks and automakers along with electronics, chemical and materials manufacturers to its quantum computing initiative designed to explore enterprise applications if and when the technology ...Full Article

Kubernetes Momentum Builds With New AWS Tools

Amazon Web Services has rolled out new application container tools designed to run containers without having to manage infrastructure along with a managed Kubernetes container orchestration capability. Both run ...Full Article

Tech Giants Adopt ‘Balanced’ Licensing Approach

Some of the largest stakeholders in the booming open-source software community have issued new licensing guidelines for developers designed to thwart aggressive or unfounded enforcement of intellectual property claims ...Full Article

Rolling Thunder Forecast for Booming Cloud Market

There is a broad consensus among industry analysts and the vendors they track that enterprise adoption of cloud services is booming. The only variable is the expected rate of ...Full Article

AWS Dominates Soaring Cloud Market

Despite intense competition in the booming cloud market, Amazon Web Services remains the overwhelming infrastructure-as-a-service leader by a wide margin, a cloud marker tracker concludes. AWS is "in a ...Full Article

Google, IBM Partner to Tighten Container Security

Among the ways proposed to secure application containers and micro-services as they proliferate in datacenters is more rigorous oversight of the software supply chain. With those security considerations in ...Full Article

Google Brings ‘Nested’ VMs to Cloud

Google Cloud Platform now supports nested virtualization, a feature that allows enterprise users to run multiple virtual machines inside a Linux VM—or as Google describes it, "VMs inside of ...Full Article

Oracle Joins Shift to Cloud GPUs

Public cloud vendors continue to add processing horsepower in the form of Nvidia GPU accelerators and the graphics processor vendor's Tesla datacenter GPUs. Oracle announced this week it is ...Full Article
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