Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Tuesday, March 25, 2025


Photonics Processor Aimed at AI Inference

Silicon photonics is exhibiting greater innovation as requirements grow to enable faster, lower-power chip interconnects for traditionally power-hungry applications like AI inferencing. With that in mind, scientists at Massachusetts ...Full Article

CAD Shift to the Cloud Quickens

Graphics-intensive design and manufacturing workloads continue to migrate steadily to the cloud, making it easier for engineers, designers and architects to share and improve product development and manufacturing. Among ...Full Article

Nvidia Buys Object Storage Vendor SwiftStack

Nvidia is acquiring cloud data storage specialist SwiftStack, accelerating the consolidation of the object storage sector as AI applications developed by Nvidia move between private and public clouds. Terms ...Full Article

Medical Imaging Gets an AI Boost

AI technologies incorporated into diagnostic imaging tools have proven useful in eliminating confirmation bias, often outperforming human clinicians who may bring their own prejudices. Another issue slowing progress is ...Full Article

Federated Learning Applied to Cancer Research

The ability to share and analyze data while protecting patient privacy is giving medical researchers a new tool in their efforts to use what one vendor calls “federated learning” ...Full Article

Silicon Switching Shakes Up Datacenter Market

Recent jockeying within the datacenter networking market underscores the steady shift toward Ethernet-based silicon switching as Intel, Nvidia and others vie to unclog networking bottlenecks and perhaps challenge market ...Full Article

Bitfusion Acquisition Extends VMware Virtualization of GPUs

VMware has championed the virtues of virtualization of the x86 architecture for more than 20 years, and now the company plans to extend its commitment to virtualizing new architectures ...Full Article

IBM Claims No. 1 Commercial Supercomputer with Total Oil & Gas System

IBM can now boast not only the two most powerful supercomputers in the world, it also has claimed the top spot for a supercomputer used in a commercial setting. ...Full Article

AMD Spotlights HPC Processor, GPU Roadmaps

Advanced Micro Devices continued to play its hot hand at this week’s Computex event in Taipei, Taiwan, highlighting its processor roadmap at the cutting-edge 7-nanometer process node that includes ...Full Article

Net Appliances Emerge to Handle Data Deluge

Network infrastructure has had a hard time keeping up with the data explosion and surging demand for real-time capabilities as everything but the kitchen sink is networked. Incremental progress ...Full Article
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