Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Tuesday, March 25, 2025


DARPA Stress Tests its Hardware-Centric Security Approach

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency launched a cyber security effort several years back designed to replace commonly used security patches for software applications with the ability to spot ...Full Article

Malware Goes ‘Polymorphic’

Malware is evolving, appearing in many forms as malicious code infiltrates computing platforms under many guises. Security experts refer to this chameleon-like malware as “polymorphic code,” and one researcher ...Full Article

Hacker Survey: Simple Attacks Breach Systems in a Day

A security vendor survey of professional hackers finds that many are able to easily defeat “perimeter defenses” like firewalls, then pinpoint and steal critical data in less than a ...Full Article

U.S.: Cybersecurity Must Go Beyond Passwords

If indeed we are operating in a "digital economy," standard security measures such as passwords are no longer sufficient to shield the underlying IT infrastructure from sophisticated hackers, asserts ...Full Article

Forecast: Hackers Target Software-Based Nets

Among the growing list of security threats expected to expand in the coming year are hackers probing emerging software-defined infrastructure for vulnerabilities. According to a security forecast released this ...Full Article

What Will We Do About the Cybersecurity Pearl Harbor?

When I first started to equate the massive and consequential breaches suffered during the recent past with multiple Pearl Harbors, a few people thought I was over dramatic and ...Full Article

Hackers Carjack Jeep in IoT Nightmare

Two hackers successfully took control of a Jeep Cherokee as it hurtled along a highway at 70 miles per hour, turning an Internet of Things nightmare into reality – ...Full Article

Under Attack: Malware Roundup from Security Pros

The weekend brought no respite for anxious chief security officers, CIOs, and other professionals involved in the never-ending quest to protect data, networks, and accounts from the onslaught of ...Full Article

RAND Corp: Manage Security Like a Business

Organizations must figure out a better way to manage cybersecurity like a business, using metrics to determine the relative return on investment (RROI), and constantly evaluating the lifecycle and ...Full Article

Wikileaks Posts Hacked Sony Files in Searchable Database

In a corporate nightmare turned reality, Wikileaks on Thursday posted a searchable database of all the Sony information hackers stole from the movie studio last year. "The Wikileaks Sony ...Full Article
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