hpc cloud
Cloud for Clouds: ClimaCell Leverages Cloud HPC to Deliver Weather Micro-Forecasting
Weather forecasting is a tricky, unforgiving business, and for weather-dependent clients in precise locations, like airlines and sports teams, accuracy is king. Making accurate predictions for a highly specific ...Full Article
CLIMB-ing higher in the UK with an HPC cloud for microbiologists Sponsored Content by Dell EMC | Intel
In the United Kingdom, microbiologists share world-class HPC resources via the groundbreaking CLIMB project — Cloud Infrastructure for Microbial Bioinformatics. Thanks to dramatic advances in science and technology and ...Full Article
Fortissimo Hopes to Resonate with Manufacturers through HPC Cloud
<img style="float: left;" src="http://media2.hpcwire.com/dmr/epcc.jpg" alt="" width="95" height="55" border="0" />A consortium of 45 partners have assembled in Europe with the hope of fortifying the international manufacturing marketplace through modeling and ...Full Article
How the Cloud Will Help the U.S. Regain Manufacturing Prowess
<img style="float: left;" src="http://media2.hpcwire.com/dmr/hpcccloud.jpg" alt="" width="95" height="67" border="0" />Since his last column about how the Cloud and Autonomic Computing Center at Texas Tech University, Earl Dodd attended the kickoff ...Full Article
Cloud Computing Tames Big Data to Extract Value
<img style="float: left;" src="http://media2.hpcwire.com/dmr/cloudschematic.jpg" alt="" width="95" height="121" />Cloud computing is much more than just a bunch of third-party servers running at a remote location so businesses can stop spending ...Full Article
Can HPC Cloud Technology Help the Building Industry Go Digital?
<img style="float: left;" src="http://media2.hpcwire.com/dmr/skyscraperscloud.jpg" alt="" width="95" height="106" />Is there an opportunity for digital manufacturing to expand into the design and construction of skyscrapers, condominiums and residential homes? Greg Howes, ...Full Article