Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Thursday, February 6, 2025


Seamless Computing: A Conversation with John Hengeveld

Intel's John Hengeveld likes automotive analogies. "If you haven't got a car, you don't need an on-ramp," he says, a statement that makes perfect sense in the context of ...Full Article

Altair’s Approach to Solving the Software Licensing Problem

Licensing is one of the major stumbling blocks to the spread of digital manufacturing technology among small- to medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs). Rapid advances in CAE software, especially in modeling ...Full Article

Case Study: Bringing the Power of HPC to Drug Discovery and the Delivery of ‘Smarter’ Healthcare

As recently as eight years ago, the application of high performance computing (HPC) techniques to drug discovery efforts was problematic at best. Even clusters composed of 40 or 50 ...Full Article

More Help for the Missing Middle: This Time from DOE

A recent meeting in Chicago has started a process that could have far-reaching ramifications for small- to medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) and other small businesses.Full Article

Case Study: Making Cars Go Faster with Platform HPC

Swift Engineering has been designing and manufacturing high-end race cars since 1983. A small company with limited IT resources, Swift required an affordable state-of-the-art HPC solution that would boost ...Full Article

From Safety to EcoBoost: HPC Enables Innovation and Productivity at Ford Motor Company

After an intense 30-year working relationship with supercomputers — ranging from early water-cooled Crays to today's commodity clusters — engineers at the Ford Motor Company view modeling and simulation ...Full Article

Digital Manufacturing: Why There’s Never Been a Better Time

The past several decades have seen the continued outsourcing of manufacturing to overseas outfits. Increased competition, both globally and at home, is leading US manufacturers to seek out all ...Full Article

The Invisible Innovators: What Is the Missing Middle? And Why Do We Need Them?

The manufacturing market is held together by a vitally-important yet often ignored segment, known as the "Missing Middle." The term refers to the roughly 300,000 manufacturers in the US ...Full Article

Making Digital Manufacturing Affordable: A Vendor Perspective

A new breed of GPU-based workstations have the potential to make advanced computing resources available to small- to medium-sized manufacturers — especially the "missing middle" who are not yet ...Full Article

Dana Holding Corporation: Optimizing Products and Processes with HPC

When Frank Popielas talks about the "sweet spot," he's not referring to his tennis game. He's talking about the most efficient and cost effective way to use high performance ...Full Article
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