Windows Server 2016 Adds Hyper-V Container Support
The growing shift toward cloud-native technologies and applications running in "hybrid datacenters" continues with Microsoft's release of more technical details for Windows Server 2016. As EnterpriseTech reported in August, ...Full Article
VMware, Microsoft Rule X86 Server Virtualization
In many ways, the choice of a server virtualization technology is more important for a large enterprise than is the choice of the underlying physical server platform. While the ...Full Article
Blue Cross Blue Shield Streamlines Networking, Virtualization
You want your healthcare insurance provider to run a lean and mean IT shop, and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama is always looking at new technologies to make ...Full Article
DataCore SANsymphony Boosts Flash, Ends ‘Storage Islands’
Software-defined storage vendor DataCore Software rolled out the latest version of its SANsymphony virtual storage area network, which seeks to boost utilization of pricey flash storage technology while pulling ...Full Article
Microsoft Targets VMware Customers With Converter Tool
Microsoft has rolled a new version of its Virtual Machine Converter tool aimed squarely at poaching customers from X86 server virtualization leader VMware. Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter 2.0 is ...Full Article