Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Tuesday, January 28, 2025


DC Robot to Ease Datacenter Monitoring

To the growing list of innovative and budget-friendly datacenter measurement tools, we welcome EMC India's DC Robot. Full Article

Reweaving the Global Supply Chain

<img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="95" height="71" border="0" />The supply webs manufacturers are weaving are expansive and complex, with designs originating in the United States and traversing the globe, ...Full Article

Greenpeace Names Cisco, Google ‘Cool IT’ Leaders

<span>The sixth Cool IT Leaderboard ranked 21 technology leaders </span>based on their efforts to drive transformative change in the way that energy is produced and consumed. Full Article

Robot Optimizes Datacenter Cooling

IBM developed a robot to map temperature and humidity levels in datacenters, ensuring that all equipment receives the optimal amount of cooling.Full Article

The Challenges of Energy Efficient Exascale Computing

At some point, the advancement in computer technology will lead to computing at one exaflops, or a thousand petaflops. Achieving this landmark goal is driving datacenters to meet the ...Full Article

Harvard Harnesses Solar Power through the Grid

<img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="95" height="41" />This June, Harvard's Clean Energy Project will release a list of the top 20,000 organic compounds used for the printing of cheap ...Full Article

The End of the Line for Roadrunner

The Roadrunner has finally been stopped, but not by Wile. E. Coyote. Built by IBM, the $120 million supercomputer was decommissioned on March 31. It was the first machine ...Full Article

Could the Human Brain Inspire High Efficiency Computing?

At just under 2500 Megaflops per Watt, the Appro Beacon machine at the University of Tennessee comes in at the top of the Green 500 list. Yet underlying this ...Full Article

GE’s Vision for the Industrial Internet

<img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="95" height="67" />General Electric recently announced the launch of its latest plank of the Proficy software platform, Proficy Vision – a big data management ...Full Article

IBM creates miniature water-based heat exchanger to sit directly on a chip

<p>Big Blue's research center in Zurich developed a tiny water-based cooler that it says can increase density of microprocessor stacking by a factor of one million...</p>Full Article
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