Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Friday, March 14, 2025


Nvidia Leads Booming Ethernet Adapter Market

Among the growing list of pandemic-driven technology segments are programable Ethernet adapters being deployed by cloud service providers as they scramble to meet bandwidth demand generated by homes offices. ...Full Article

Analog Devices, Intel Partner on Open 5G Radios

Intel Corp. and Analog Devices Inc. are collaborating on a 5G wireless network design based on an emerging open standard with the goal of developing flexible radio platforms that ...Full Article

Nvidia Said to Be Close on Arm Deal

GPU leader Nvidia Corp. is in talks to buy U.K. chip designer Arm from parent company Softbank, according to several reports over the weekend. If consummated, analysts said the ...Full Article

Cloud for Clouds: ClimaCell Leverages Cloud HPC to Deliver Weather Micro-Forecasting

Weather forecasting is a tricky, unforgiving business, and for weather-dependent clients in precise locations, like airlines and sports teams, accuracy is king. Making accurate predictions for a highly specific ...Full Article

Heterogeneous Computing Gets a Code Similarity Tool

A machine programming framework for heterogeneous computing championed by Intel Corp. and university partners is built around an automated engine that analyzes code for similarities. The approach could eventually ...Full Article

Nvidia Dominates Latest MLPerf Training Benchmark Results released its third round of training benchmark (v0.7) results today and Nvidia again dominated, claiming 16 new records. Meanwhile, Google provided early benchmarks for its next generation TPU ...Full Article

Get a Grip: Intel Neuromorphic Chip Used to Give Robotics Arm a Sense of Touch

Moving neuromorphic technology from the laboratory into practice has proven slow-going. This week, National University of Singapore researchers moved the needle forward demonstrating an event-driven, visual-tactile perception system that ...Full Article

Accelerating HPC with a new memory and storage technology
Sponsored Content by Dell EMC | Intel

Researchers at the University of Pisa shrank a 40-minute MRI examination procedure down to about 2 minutes through the use of new Intel Optane drives. The University of Pisa ...Full Article

Penguin Computing Brings Cascade Lake-AP to OCP Form Factor

On Monday (July 6), Penguin Computing, a subsidiary of SMART Global Holdings, Inc., introduced a new Tundra server, Tundra AP, that is the first to implement the Intel Xeon ...Full Article

CLIMB-ing higher in the UK with an HPC cloud for microbiologists
Sponsored Content by Dell EMC | Intel

In the United Kingdom, microbiologists share world-class HPC resources via the groundbreaking CLIMB project — Cloud Infrastructure for Microbial Bioinformatics. Thanks to dramatic advances in science and technology and ...Full Article
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