Watsonx Brings AI Visibility to Banking Systems
A new set of AI-based code conversion tools is available with IBM watsonx. Before introducing the new "watsonx," let's talk about the previous generation Watson, perhaps better known as ...Full Article
AI Tool Helps Coders Accelerate Testing
There is relief for Java developers bogged down with necessary but tedious testing of individual units of source code: an automated platform that automatically generates regression unit tests for ...Full Article
Kubernetes Tools Provide a Java Upgrade
Microservices have evolved to the point where cloud-native development tools are now being referred to as Kubernetes-native—as in the de facto standard application container orchestrator. The reach of Kubernetes ...Full Article
Equifax Ignored Apache Struts Patch For Months
In the aftermath of the second massive security breach at Equifax Inc. in four years, the Apache Foundation confirmed this week the data breach stemmed from the consumer credit ...Full Article
Open Source Driving DevOps Automation
Heightened awareness about the security risks associated with open source software has increased use of disciplined DevOps practices that have improved application quality and developer productivity, a software supply ...Full Article
In-memory Heap Size of 2TB Attacks ‘Garbage Time’ Jitter in Java Applications
Targeting large in-memory Java computing implementations, Sunnyvale-based Azul Systems is releasing a new version of Zing, its scalable Java Virtual Machine for enterprise applications that includes a whopping in-memory ...Full Article
Juniper Networks Brings Computing Network Power to Wall St.
Juniper Networks today (April 6) unveiled an application acceleration switch and packet flow accelerator module designed to bring computing performance and customizable logic into the network to accelerate critical ...Full Article
IBM Juices Hadoop With Java On Tesla GPUs
Commercial applications written in Java have plenty of parallel tasks that can be accelerated through the use of GPU coprocessors. IBM is very keen on leveraging the combination of ...Full Article
Azul Soups Up Java For Financial Trading
The financial services sector adopted Java as a programming language because being able to recode applications and algorithms constantly is a competitive advantage and Java is easier to program ...Full Article
How Priceline.com Rid In-Memory Cache Of Java Jitters
Priceline.com is one of the early Internet startups, and as such it has built a lot of its own technology for gathering up pricing information on airfares, hotel rooms, ...Full Article