life sciences
An Rx for Healthcare: AI in Systems Medicine Sponsored Content by Dell EMC | Intel
In a workshop at Cardiff University in Wales, 15 expert speakers showcased some of the ways that machine learning applications and computational methods are driving advances in systems medicine. ...Full Article
Object-based Storage and Cloud in the Life Sciences Sponsored Content by EMC
Life sciences organizations must routinely manage and provide access to very large datasets. The problem is the volumes of data just keep going up. This is placing new demands ...Full Article
Infrastructure Issues when Taking Genomic Information into Clinical Applications Sponsored Content by EMC
For years, many aspects of life sciences work required the fast analysis of large datasets. And to accomplish this, most organizations installed high performance computer and storage infrastructures. However, ...Full Article
UK Using Cognitive Computing in Personalized Medicine Push
As the pharmaceutical industry moves from the era of “blockbuster” drug discovery (developing a single drug that targets large numbers of people with a particular disease) to the era ...Full Article