Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Friday, February 7, 2025

Machine Learning

At SC18: Humanitarianism Amid Boom Times for HPC

At SC18 in Dallas, the feeling on the ground is forward-looking and buoyant. Like boom times that cycle through the Texas oil patch, the HPC industry is enjoying a ...Full Article

Needed: A Data Protection AI Ecosystem

The likelihood of a job being automated can be understood by asking the 4Ds; is the job dull, dangerous, dirty or dear? Not sure about dirty or dangerous but ...Full Article

NSF Funds Cybersecurity, Trusted AI Research

The National Science Foundation will fund a broad range of cybersecurity, data privacy and network security research projects that includes a new Center for Trustworthy Machine Learning. NSF’s Secure ...Full Article

AI, Blockchain Hype Hasn’t Translated into Investments

All the talk and hype surrounding AI, machine learning and blockchain technologies has so far failed to translate into actual spending on new IT initiatives, concludes a new industry ...Full Article

Man + Machine Cybersecurity: Machine Learning is Essential to Fighting Attacks

Something is materially broken with web application security and, as a result, critical attacks are being missed. According to a new report from Kaspersky Lab, 73 percent of corporate ...Full Article

Few ML Projects Moving to Production, Survey Finds

The confluence of accelerators like cloud GPUs along with the ability to handle data-rich HPC workloads will help push more machine learning projects into production, concludes a new study ...Full Article

Cisco Servers, Oracle Cloud, Boost AI Offerings

Cisco and Oracle made strategic AI announcements this week, boosting their machine/deep learning capabilities based, in part, on Nvidia GPU integrations. Building on the foundation of its nine-year-old UCS ...Full Article

At HPC on Wall Street: AI-as-a-Service Accelerates AI Journeys

AIaaS – artificial intelligence-as-a-service – is the technology discipline that eases enterprise entry into the mysteries of the AI journey while lowering the financial risk. It’s already making an ...Full Article

Ubiquitous Nvidia Powers Dell EMC AI Stack

Wherever there’s AI, Nvidia’s there. Wherever there’s a car trying to drive itself, Nvidia’s there. Wherever there’s a robot stacking boxes coming off a warehouse conveyer belt, Nvidia’s there. ...Full Article

Google, Iron Mountain Take on the Data Growth-Analytics Gap

There’s an institutionalized, seemingly intractable and ever widening gap in enterprise IT between data growth and HPDA’s (high performance data analytics) ability to access more than a small piece ...Full Article
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