Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Friday, March 14, 2025


IMTS to Focus on Advanced Manufacturing in 2014

<img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="95" height="54" border="0" />Next year, the International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS) will be held at McCormick Place in Chicago. The show brings together great ...Full Article

Automation Alleviates China’s Growing Labor Shortage

<img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="95" height="64" border="0" />Robots have been a hot topic for countries like the United States as they push themselves to be more competitive against ...Full Article

Location and Innovation Intersect on MIT’s Manufacturing Map

<img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="95" height="63" />In the wake President Obama calling for the creation of 15 manufacturing innovation hubs in his State of the Union Address earlier ...Full Article

What is Servitization and Why Should You Care?

<img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="95" height="75" />There are some words that should have never seen the light of day. “Servitization” is one of them. Despite the fact that ...Full Article

Manufacturing Rebound Benefits Not Shared Equally

<div><img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="95" height="75" />While the continuing resurgence of the manufacturing sector is creating new jobs and injecting new life into the U.S.’s GDP, some states ...Full Article

Fashion Manufacturers Take the Catwalk Back Home

<img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="95" height="64" />Big name tech manufacturers aren't the only ones looking to bring the business back to the States. In order to respond to ...Full Article

Will China’s Smog Drive out Manufacturing Jobs?

<img src="" alt="" width="95" height="63" />While China remains a popular destination for expats, they aren't relocating for the air quality. The smog and haze that hung over Beijing this ...Full Article

Huge Loss of U.S. Manufacturing Jobs Triggered by China Trade Decision

<div><img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="72" height="95" />A National Bureau of Economic Research working paper issued in December claims the sharp drop in U.S. manufacturing jobs from 2000 to ...Full Article

Reshoring: A Path to Sustainable Manufacturing in America

<div><img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="95" height="95" />The concept of sustainability is still a subject of many debates, including the debate over whether or not to define and adopt ...Full Article

Fiscal Cliff Puts the Silicon back in Silicon Valley

<img src="" alt="" width="95" height="71" />Amidst the flurry of budget negotiations, Silicon Valley is keeping an eye on lawmakers and the billions of dollars in funding that may be ...Full Article
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