Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Monday, March 31, 2025

missing middle

New Missing Middle: Filling the K-12 Science and Engineering Gap

The other missing middle is that yawning gap in our primary and secondary education systems – the K-12 years. Here's what the NASA Office of Education is doing about ...Full Article

Blue Collar Computing Revisited: Lessons Learned

A detailed and thoughtful look at how the Ohio Supercomputer Center has addressed the challenges associated with providing HPC to small- and medium-sized manufacturers. It hasn't been easy, but ...Full Article

The Innovative Manufacturer

Rick Jarman, President & CEO of NCMS, talks about the innovative manufacturer, explaining it will take more than just technology to bring manufacturing into the 21st century. It will ...Full Article

What’s the Latest on NDEMC? A Conversation with the Council on Competitiveness

The Council on Competitiveness is working towards creating a public-private partnership (PPP) to connect small- and medium-sized manufacturers with advanced digital manufacturing techniques such as modeling and simulation. The ...Full Article

Digital Manufacturing Report Card: Who’s Finding the Missing Middle?

Numerous initiatives from government and industry have been created to address the "Missing Middle" — small manufacturers who have not adopted the digital manufacturing techniques of computer-aided modeling and ...Full Article

The Power of Babble

When engineers talk about extrusion and tet meshing and FEA and so on, they're not trying to be pretentious — they're just speaking the language of engineering.Full Article

Seamless Computing: A Conversation with John Hengeveld

Intel's John Hengeveld likes automotive analogies. "If you haven't got a car, you don't need an on-ramp," he says, a statement that makes perfect sense in the context of ...Full Article

A PIC for Bob

There's no denying the business benefits of modeling and simulation, but smaller manufacturers rarely have the capital resources to invest in these tools. Now a new effort is underway ...Full Article

Altair’s Approach to Solving the Software Licensing Problem

Licensing is one of the major stumbling blocks to the spread of digital manufacturing technology among small- to medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs). Rapid advances in CAE software, especially in modeling ...Full Article

More Help for the Missing Middle: This Time from DOE

A recent meeting in Chicago has started a process that could have far-reaching ramifications for small- to medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) and other small businesses.Full Article
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