Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Monday, March 31, 2025

missing middle

Manufacturing and the Economy: A Random Sojurn Around the Web

Four different websites, four different perspectives on manufacturing and the economy. Some seemingly random links reveal interesting correlations.Full Article

The Invisible Innovators: What Is the Missing Middle? And Why Do We Need Them?

The manufacturing market is held together by a vitally-important yet often ignored segment, known as the "Missing Middle." The term refers to the roughly 300,000 manufacturers in the US ...Full Article

Making High Performance Computing Accessible and Affordable to Manufacturers

The Rocky Mountain Supercomputer Centers (RMSC) is on a mission to bring high performance computing (HPC) technology to the "missing middle" of the North American manufacturing sector. These are ...Full Article

Hope for the Missing Middle

There are about 300,000 manufacturing companies in the United States. Only 5 percent of the total are big organizations like Boeing, General Motors and Procter & Gamble; the rest ...Full Article

Why SMMs Balk at Adopting Digital Manufacturing

Despite the fact that the adoption of digital manufacturing modeling and simulation can reduce costs, improve products, shorten time-to-market and, in general, boost a company's competitive capabilities, rapid and ...Full Article
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