Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Friday, September 20, 2024


5G: Higher Data Rates Only Part of It – Here’s Why

5G is massively faster than 4G: 5GB/second vs. 100-200MB/second. Impressive, yes, but higher data rates explains only part of 5G's significance. The coming 5G cellular network will bring the ...Full Article

Red Hat in Middle of IBM-AT&T’s Expanded 5G, Cloud Pact

Ranked behind only the Dell-EMC and Avago-Broadcom acquisitions as the largest in the history of the technology industry, IBM’s $34 billion blockbuster purchase of Red Hat, announced last October ...Full Article

Network Automation: Trust = Visibility

Network virtualization and software-actuated networking are finally moving past the hype stage and it’s likely you’re now considering a real investment in automation. But before you start, consider this: ...Full Article

5G Readiness Lags — Here’s What to Do Now

The coming of 5G was one of the main themes at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show. Computerworld went so far as to say CES 2019 was “all about 5G,” ...Full Article

Architecting Your Network for 5G

5G has the unique challenge of enabling not only well-known services, such as mobile phone calls and ultra-broadband, but new services with very different characteristics. These services include low ...Full Article

Mellanox Raises SHIELD for Enhanced Network Resiliency

High-performance networking company Mellanox is announcing a new protocol it’s calling SHIELD, an acronym for “Self Healing Interconnect Enhancement for inteLligent Datacenters.” Enabled within Mellanox’s 100G EDR and 200G ...Full Article

Facebook, Partners Light Up Datacenter Nets

The steady enterprise shift to open source software and hardware is expanding to datacenter networking via a collaboration between Facebook and networking partners as part of an effort to ...Full Article

Session Awareness: Overcoming Standalone Network Functions

Lately, things have felt a bit like the 1990s. A hot new app had just been released and everyone was talking about it – but its reliability and performance ...Full Article

Avoiding the Nightmare of Network Downtime in the Cloud

When I think about network downtime, many words come to mind. Among them: panic, fear, Armageddon. Perhaps that last one is a bit dramatic, but as IT functions and ...Full Article

Keeping up with the Data Center: Will Innovation Continue?

The enterprise and data center markets are going through what some experts call a “once in a decade transition.” Driven by the insatiable demand for ever-increasing bandwidth, these industries ...Full Article
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