ISC 2020: Hoefler’s Virtual Tour of ML Trends in 9 Slides
The ISC20 experience this year via livestreaming and pre-recordings is interesting and perhaps a bit odd. That said presenters’ efforts to condense their comments makes for economic use of ...Full Article
Microsoft’s AI Supercomputer on Azure: ‘Combinations of Perceptual Domains’
Microsoft has unveiled a supercomputing monster – among the world’s five most powerful, according to the company – aimed at what is known in scientific and philosophical circles as ...Full Article
Cloud Developers Ambivalent on AI Misuse
Prompted by a recent backlash among employees at major U.S. cloud technology vendors, a new survey reveals mixed intentions among AI developers about how far they are willing to ...Full Article
Microsoft Investing $1B in OpenAI Artificial General Intelligence R&D
Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is AI’s moonshot, the next giant leap for the AI field. Microsoft regards it to be feasible enough to warrant a $1 billion investment in ...Full Article