Don’t Be Too Quick Trusting That 2020 Data in Your 2021 IT Planning
As companies approach their 2021 business planning after the current tumultuous, pandemic-decimated year, it might be a wise idea to use plenty of care when using 2020 business data ...Full Article
Hyperion Research: COVID-19 Changing the Global 2020 HPC Market Landscape
SC20—Before the COVID-19 pandemic essentially stopped the world in its tracks in March, the global HPC server market was expected to grow from $13.7 billion in 2019 to $14.5 ...Full Article
AI Triage Model Predicts COVID Oxygen Needs
Among the first steps when COVID-19 patients are hospitalized is a blood oxygen test used to determine whether they require supplemental oxygen. Given the “wildfire” nature of the pandemic ...Full Article
Globalfoundries Sees Pandemic ‘Pulling’ Chip Demand
Globalfoundries, the custom semiconductor manufacturer, announced advancements on several fronts this week, including the latest version of its FDX platform aimed at low-power, edge devices as well as a ...Full Article
DoD’s Early Warning System Targets New Enemy: COVID-19
Artificial intelligence technology has been enlisted in a Defense Department research effort to develop an early warning system for identifying infectious diseases. Recent COVID-19 outbreaks in the confined quarters ...Full Article
COVID’s ‘Next Normal’ Fueling Cloud Migration
The pandemic’s impact on how and where enterprise IT infrastructure is deployed remains an open question, with datacenter backers arguing security doubts will keep corporate data on-premises while cloud ...Full Article
New Tool Emerges to Speed COVID Test Results
Efforts to accelerate SARS-CoV-2 testing results got a boost this week with the unveiling of a series of workstations advertised as capable of preparing and running thousands of COVID-19 ...Full Article
Op-Ed: Poor Countries Are Struggling to Industrialize Their Way to Growth – AI Can Help
While it is still too early to tell how severely COVID-19 will damage the world’s rich economies, some worry that the devastation will be far worse in poor ones, ...Full Article
IT Spending Remains Steady Despite Pandemic
Market forecasters continue to crunch the numbers to determine precisely how the pandemic will shape IT spending during a period of unprecedented uncertainty. Moreover, the need to adapt in ...Full Article
Cloud Doubts Mean Datacenters Aren’t Going Away
The death of the enterprise datacenter has been greatly exaggerated, an annual survey finds, adding that on-premises infrastructure is “neither dead nor dying” despite a migration of some critical ...Full Article