AI-Ready 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Platinum 9200 Processors Demonstrate Leadership Performance Sponsored Content by Intel
Built for HPC workloads including AI, the latest processors from Intel® speed the most data-intensive workloads in science and industry Traditional high performance computing (HPC) workloads like simulation and ...Full Article
Cooling from the Inside
To the datacenter professional, keeping equipment cool requires a lot of money and energy, but what if the computer could be cooled from the inside? Full Article
Intel Doubles Down on Microserver Biz
At a media event last week in San Francisco, chipmaker Intel Corp. outlined its datacenter strategy for the next few years. A chunk of the day's talks centered on ...Full Article
Energy-efficient Many-core Is the PRiME Objective
Electronic engineers and computer scientists in the UK are working to develop more reliable and energy-efficient many-core embedded systems as part of a new five-year program, called PriME. Full Article