NSF, VMware Partner on IT Sustainability
An oft overlooked virtue of virtual machines is the replacement of IT infrastructure like servers with a more energy-efficient abstracted version of hardware. That advance has contributed to sustainability ...Full Article
Cloud Doubts Mean Datacenters Aren’t Going Away
The death of the enterprise datacenter has been greatly exaggerated, an annual survey finds, adding that on-premises infrastructure is “neither dead nor dying” despite a migration of some critical ...Full Article
Facebook Datacenters Nearing Green Energy Goal
Hyperscale datacenter operators continue to strive for energy efficiency as most struggle to keep pace with more demanding workloads. Progress is being reported on at least one front: Facebook ...Full Article
Datacenter Outages on the Rise
Datacenter operators are looking for new ways to ensure IT resiliency as the frequency and severity of datacenter outages increases along with technology complexity and more demanding workloads, an ...Full Article
Microsoft Launches Submersible Datacenter
The hotspots and energy hogs that are enterprise datacenters are increasingly located in northern climes. As demand for cooling intensifies, and datacenter power usage maxes out, some have even ...Full Article
Startup Floats First Commercial ‘Data Barge’
Datacenter operators have adopted a range of novel approaches to reducing energy consumption while boosting a key industry metric: power usage effectiveness, or PUE. These approaches range from building ...Full Article
Future Datacenters Will Divvy Up Computing, Storage
The datacenter ecosystem of the next decade is likely to resemble an expanded version of the hyperscale facilities currently being built out by today's Internet giants, cloud providers, and ...Full Article
Datacenter Spending Up, Energy Efforts Hitting Wall
A survey of the datacenter industry broken down into colocation and financial services along with a catch-all enterprise category found that the former are receiving budget increases while enterprise ...Full Article
Neural Nets Improve Google Datacenter Efficiency
Key attributes of the smart grid, namely adding intelligence to the networks that distribute power, are being applied by Google to the design and operation of power-hungry datacenters. The ...Full Article
Facebook Open Sources Datacenter Efficiency Tracking Tools
Companies that operate hyperscale datacenters have gone to great lengths to boost efficiency, and to show their commitment to green computing some of these cloud giants are sharing their ...Full Article