Safe Harbor
Privacy Framework Spurs Euro Datacenter Expansion
Cloud services and data governance vendors are moving swiftly to comply with a new U.S.-European Union privacy regime that imposes stricter requirements on U.S. companies for protecting the personal ...Full Article
Data Transfer Deal Already Under Fire
It didn't take long for dents to appear in the proposed E.U.-U.S. Privacy Shield. The trans-Atlantic data transfer agreement designed to replaced a 15-year-old Safe Harbor arrangement struck down ...Full Article
Update: E.U., U.S. Reach Tentative Data Transfer Deal
European regulators announced a framework agreement on Tuesday (Feb. 2) on trans-Atlantic data transfers that would require U.S. companies importing personal data from Europe to "commit to robust obligations on ...Full Article
Cloud Vendors Address EU Safe Harbor Ruling
Cloud vendors are responding to last month's data privacy ruling by a European court with security upgrades to cloud storage and orchestration services aimed at helping customers meet stricter ...Full Article
International Markets Beckon HPC Makers
Whether they're looking to better serve multi-national conglomerates or reach new customers abroad, makers of advanced scale systems are expanding their efforts to reach customers across the world. Recognizing the ...Full Article
New Safe Harbor Worries Over Data Privacy Could Push Business to Cloud
October 6 was quite an interesting day for consumer privacy. After 15 years in place, the Safe Harbor agreement was declared invalid by Europe’s highest court, the Court of ...Full Article
Stormy Seas Ahead for Safe Harbor Users
When Europe's top court declared the Safe Harbor data-transfer agreement invalid, it should not have come as a surprise to those who follow the continent's privacy rulings. But now ...Full Article