Storage Security Emerges Along With Flash
The vibrant storage sector is churning out a steady stream of products, tools and network platforms as datacenter operators struggle to keep up with and secure torrents of terabytes. ...Full Article
Lenovo Debuts Server-Based Storage Appliance
Seeking to stimulate flagging server sales, a software-defined storage appliance from Lenovo leverages its server platform combined with a storage virtualization software and storage area networking from partner DataCore ...Full Article
EMC Bundles ScaleIO Software, Servers
Storage leader EMC Corp. said it is bundling commodity servers with ScaleIO software to serve as a "node" for deploying and leveraging software-defined storage. EMC's ScaleIO Node is designed ...Full Article
Virtualization Spurs SAN Adoption
The explosion of digital data beyond traditional realms such as healthcare and entertainment is fueling demand for storage area networks (SANs) across a growing spectrum of vertical markets. Just ...Full Article
Critical Apps In The Cloud And High Availability
Enterprise data centers have been using cloud computing for several years for their low-risk environments, such as test-dev and non-mission-critical applications. In this context, the benefits of cloud computing ...Full Article
Nutanix Launches Fat Cluster Nodes, Hits $200 Million Run Rate
Driven by the need to support "monster VMs" for big database and email servers, hyperconverged cluster maker Nutanix is beefing up its appliance server nodes with heftier machines that ...Full Article
Cisco Expands MDS SAN Switches For Hyperscale
Hyperscale datacenters have their clustered object storage and supercomputing centers have their GPFS and Lustre parallel file systems, but at large enterprises, the storage area network still reigns as ...Full Article
DataCore SANsymphony Boosts Flash, Ends ‘Storage Islands’
Software-defined storage vendor DataCore Software rolled out the latest version of its SANsymphony virtual storage area network, which seeks to boost utilization of pricey flash storage technology while pulling ...Full Article
vSAN Pricing: Virtual Storage Costs Like Virtual Servers
VMware previewed its Virtual SAN software late last week, and EnterpriseTech gave you the feeds and speeds. The software is available today, and for some reason VMware didn't want ...Full Article
VMware Lets Virtual SAN Software Out In Public
If there is one thing that companies installing private clouds or virtual desktop infrastructure don't want to do, it is shell out a lot of money to buy a ...Full Article