Intel’s Super Elastic Datacenter Bubble
IT spending is growing at a few measly points a year, at best, and guess what? Diane Bryant, general manager of Intel's Data Center Group, is not even breaking ...Full Article
Qualcomm To Storm The Datacenter With ARM Chips
The coming battle over compute in the datacenter pitting myriad ARM server chip makers against X86 processors is starting to shape up, with smartphone and tablet chip provider Qualcomm ...Full Article
A Rare Peek Into The Massive Scale of AWS
The idea behind cloud computing, as pioneer Amazon Web Services believed when it launched its first utility compute and storage products eight years ago, is to abstract away the ...Full Article
New Dell GM Talks System Trends
It has been a year now since Dell took itself private and removed itself from the prying eyes of Wall Street investors. The company had its share of drama ...Full Article
Latest Ubuntu Server Packaged With Hyperscale Goodies
It is October, and that is how you know it is time for various Linuxes and the OpenStack cloud controller to get their semi-annual updates of shiny new code. ...Full Article
HP Breaks Itself Into Back Office And Front Office Halves
They could have called one Hewlett and the other one Packard, but instead, as HP breaks itself into two halves, it is calling the part that sells PCs and ...Full Article
Intel Ups Performance Ante With ‘Haswell’ Xeon E5 Chips
Any company that bought racks of servers within the past six months is probably going to be annoyed this week. The drumbeat of Moore's Law continues apace with the ...Full Article
Cisco Targets Hyperscale With Modular UCS Iron
Five years ago, Cisco Systems got out in front of the pack with converged server and switching and a unified Ethernet fabric for server and storage traffic in its ...Full Article
Weak Growth For Servers In Q2, But Still Growth
The global economy seems to be improving, despite political unrest in various parts of the globe, and the server market managed to get some growth in both revenues and ...Full Article
Nutanix Launches Fat Cluster Nodes, Hits $200 Million Run Rate
Driven by the need to support "monster VMs" for big database and email servers, hyperconverged cluster maker Nutanix is beefing up its appliance server nodes with heftier machines that ...Full Article