Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Tuesday, February 11, 2025

siemens plm

Boosting the Workforce, One Veteran at a Time

<img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="95" height="56" border="0" />When we talk to manufacturers of any size, one concern across the board has been finding engineers with sufficient education and ...Full Article

Altair Assimilates Parasolid into HyperWorks

<img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="95" height="62" />“Assimilation” may have taken on a negative connotation for those familiar with the Borg, but dystopian sci-fi examples aside, assimilation is at ...Full Article

Siemens Boosts PLM with D-Cubed Update

<img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="95" height="87" />Digital manufacturing offers clear advantages over traditional methods, particularly in the area of prototyping. There, product lifecycle management (PLM) software can act ...Full Article