Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Siemens Boosts PLM with D-Cubed Update

<img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="95" height="87" />Digital manufacturing offers clear advantages over traditional methods, particularly in the area of prototyping. There, product lifecycle management (PLM) software can act ...Full Article

Fitting PLM Into The Digital Manufacturing Puzzle

<img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="95" height="82" />Regardless of market circumstance, be it bust or boom, business leadership has to focus on managing the product lifecycle as efficiently as ...Full Article

The Cloud Settles Over Manufacturing

<img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="95" height="71" />Expensive investments in industrial equipment aside, the cost of IT alone has been a barrier to entry for small organizations looking to ...Full Article

The Topic of Lean Manufacturing: Part 3

<img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="85" height="95" />In the third of this three part series, Tim Egloff asks the highly pertinent question, are you driving continuous improvement? If this ...Full Article

Globalization and the Changing Face of Manufacturing

<img style="float: left;" src="" alt="earth" width="95" height="95" />When it comes to the state of manufacturing in the US, Mike Newkirk likes to quote hockey great Wayne Gretzky who said, ...Full Article

The Topic of Lean Manufacturing: Part 2

<img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="95" height="70" />Lean manufacturing can deliver, but the process is complex and potential pitfalls are many. In this second installment, Tim Egloff provides some ...Full Article

Super Yacht To Sail the Seven Seas

As the old saying goes, if you have to ask how much it costs you can't afford it. That certainly applies to Adastra, a luxury yacht that incorporates a ...Full Article

Is PLM Only for the Big Guys or Can Mid-Market Manufacturers Share in the Fun?

Depending on who you talk to, PLM can seem pretty complicated, like you'll need a phalanx of people with tablets, flow charts and stop watches to put all the ...Full Article

Simulation Software Lifts Prop-Plane Manufacturing

Propeller airplanes return to the skies as manufacturers adopt digital manufacturing.Full Article
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